If you are ill or have concerns about exposure to COVID-19 symptoms:
Call the Aspen to Parachute COVID-19 Community Hotline: 970-429-6186 (English or Espanol).
Hotline Hours are 8 am to 8 pm, seven days a week.
If you are a business, community group, organization, school, faith-based group, event planner, or other group:
Call Garfield County Public Health at: 970-945-1377 extension 8120 (English or Espanol).
Or Email: [email protected]
To sign up to receive COVID-19 alerts from the State and our region
Go to www.garfieldcounty.net – please subscribe at upper right.
Updates will be posted to the Garfield County website at
Garfield County: www.garfield-county.com
Garfield County Public Health: www.garfield-county.com/public-health/novel-coronavirus/
Register for Garfield County Emergency Notification System: www.garco911.com