Grand River Chronicle

Kids do the Darndest Things!

by Sara Shainholtz, PA-C
coin battery in the child's hands danger of swallowing

Coins are the most common foreign body that pediatric patients swallow. Bring your child to the Emergency Department right away if you suspect any type of foreign body ingestion. Most coins or batteries pass harmlessly through the stomach. However, button battery ingestion is more serious. These coin-shaped batteries cause alkaline corrosion and erosion of the esophagus when swallowed. This can burn or perforate the lining of the esophagus. The battery contents can also leak into the mucosa causing damage.

If you witness your child ingest a button battery, give 1-2 tsp of honey as soon as possible after the ingestion. This may neutralize the burn injury. If you are unsure of the timing of the ingestion avoid giving honey. Do not give your child honey if they are less than 1 year old or have a honey allergy. This is not definitive treatment, the battery still needs to be removed. Do not delay, go to the nearest ER!

Upcoming Events

Stop The Bleed

Stop the Bleed

10:00 - 11:00 am OR 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Every Friday in May Grand River Health is offering STOP THE BLEED® Learn to be prepared to save lives if people nearby are severely bleeding. CLASSES ARE FREE TO THE COMMUNITY To reserve your spot, contact Becky Needham at 970.665.6229

Ladies Night Out

Ladies Night Out

May 9 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
This event is open to women of all ages, but you must be 40+ to receive your annual Mammogram. Appts limited to the first 15 ladies, so please contact 970.625.6497 to reserve your spot today!

Yoga for Pelvic Health

Yoga for Pelvic Health

May 14 @ 6:00 - 8:00 pm
$10 Reserve your spot online

Mental Health Resource Fair

May 21 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm FREE

Dr Witzeman girl talk

Girl Talk at the Rifle Branch Library

May 28 @ 1:00 - 2:00 pm FREE A Pelvic Health Discussion on Menopause and other Taboo Topics