Connecting our Communities
Kicking off National Skilled Nursing Care Week
Alice’s love for her friends and community shines through her artistic expression. Alice has been painting bird houses at the Grand River Health Care Center for the past 5 months and our residents and families look forward and continue to support her efforts.
It all started when a friend of Alice’s at the Care Center asked to have her paint some designs on rocks. While Alice never dabbled in painting much, she knew it would bring her friend some joy, and agreed to the little project. Her friend was delighted at Alice’s talent and asked her to paint a bird feeder next, and after some gentle convincing, Alice obliged. The next day her friend asked her to paint again, another bird feeder, just like the last. Word of Alice’s bird house and bird feeders began to spread and soon she began to find more and more enjoyment in painting and decided to donate her work for special causes at the Grand River Health Care Center.